Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20161
What’s new in Build 20161 Theme-aware tiles in Start We are freshening up the Start menu with a more streamlined design that removes the solid color b
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20152
Fixes We fixed an issue that could result in Notepad unexpectedly being removed after resetting your PC. If you were impacted by this, you can reinsta
就在人们忙着迎接新年的时候,疫情爆发了,无数医护工作者在钟老的带领下不顾生命安危奋斗在疫情的前线,还有那些疫情期间奋斗在一线的官兵和工人们,非常值得我们尊敬,平时网上可能会有一些不同的声音,但在大是大非面前中国人民非常团结。 今天 2020 年 4 月 4 日也是清明节,大家一定要牢记今天,国务院决
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20150
What’s new in Build 20150 Three new Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) features: GPU compute, WSL install, and WSL update Th
windwos: pip install pyyaml linux: #env中linxu和windwos一样pip install pyyaml 或者 pip3 install pyyaml#其他情况可尝试sudo apt-get install python-yaml sudo yum inst